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                                     8116 Arlington Blvd, Suite #220, Falls Church, VA 22042-2189  •  800-776-9020  •

                   Dear NERA Member,

                   Did you know that NERA has successfully campaigned against numerous proposed increases in TRICARE health
                   care costs for service members over the last five years? We are fighting for the repeal of the “Widow Tax” imposed
             ✁     on surviving spouses after a service member’s death and NERA is still trying to get full compensation for the at
                   sea Blue Water Navy Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange.

                   By constantly petitioning Congress, NERA has proudly stood up and defended your rights on Capitol Hill.
                   Founded in 1957, NERA has continuously fought to protect the benefits and privileges of Sea Service Reservists
                   for over 62 years. Yet, we are not done. In order to continue with this mission, we need your help.

                   We are asking for an end of the year tax-deductible donation. Any little amount is appreciated and will help us in
                   supporting the Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps Reserve. We will immediately send you confirmation and a
                   donation receipt for your files. So, please donate any small amount to NERA today. Your donation will help us in our
                   mission of protecting the benefits and privileges Sea Service Reservists have earned with their blood, sweat and tears.

                   Not for self but for country.

            Cut Here  Sincerely,

                   Joanne Elliott
                   President, NERA

                              Thank you for your donation. Naval Enlisted Reserve Association is a 501( c )(19) organization.
                    Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A tax receipt will be emailed to the email address provided.
                                  Please cut out this page and mail in your donation or visit to donate online.

                                           Thank you for your donation!

                      Monthly Giving:                                Description
                         I would like to set up a recurring monthly     NERA’s General Fund (any amount is appreciated)
             ✁          credit card donation for $ _________ per month,     NERA’s Scholarship Fund (any amount is  appreciated)
                        starting in _________________ (month)
                                                                        NERA Life Member ............................ $300
                      Enclosed is my gift of:                           Premier Benefactor Member*  ............ $550
                                                                        (*Life Members pay $250)
                         $125    $100     $50     $25
                                                                     Payment Options
                        Other $ ____________
                                                                        Enclosed is my check payable to Naval
                      Name: __________________________________          Enlisted Reserve Association or NERA.
                                                                        VISA    Discover Card    Mastercard    AmEx
                      Address:  ________________________________
                                                                     Card Number: ____________________________
                      ________________________________________       Exp. Date: _______________________________
                      Email: __________________________________      Signature: _______________________________

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